Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I can't be the only one who hates snow, right?

I'm trapped in a snow globe. Right now it is 23*F outside and the Weather Channel is telling me I can expect anywhere from 1-18 additional inches of snow on top of the four I already see. I refuse to go outside if it isn't completely necessary. The necessary things include getting my feeble dog when he forgets how to use the ramp we built for him and driving lessons. That's it. You couldn't get me out in the snow if I were dying of thirst...it'd take too long to melt any of it anyway.

I'm 22 years old and I dislike snow to an unconscionable degree. Rather, I dislike the cold and my dislike has driven me indoors semi-permanently this winter. I think I would love snow in summer weather, though.

Being stuck in New York State is not my idea of a good time, if only because there are very few jobs in this tiny town, it's snowing (the anti-spaghetti monster's work), and I do not have a driver's license. You see, I attended the University of Richmond in Virginia and I didn't need a car, so I never got my license. That means I'm playing catch up at 22, taking lessons and preparing for a road test during which I'll finally do battle with my cold, white, flurry nemesis.

I'm also planning a move down south and working on as many writing projects as I can dream up and squeeze into my day. And I promise that if I ever become successful as a screenwriter and offer to read scripts for people, there'll be a quick turn-around. All this waiting is more stressful than actually writing the darn things.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for the southbound move...and the possibilities of future roadtrips :)

    .:. Ang .:.
